Day 14: {Moment of courage}
My moment of courage was on November 1st when I made the decision, as scary as it has been, to completely bare my soul and tell my story of discovery and healing through this experience on Facebook. I have hesitated every time I have hit the "post" button because I know who will read these posts. Those people include family, neighbors, church friends, co-workers, high school friends, college friends, other friends that I just met randomly and it includes those most intimately involved in this adoption. I have been terrified of judgement my entire life and have never felt good enough to not be judged. But I decided that day that I needed to tell my story because to someone, somewhere, it is profound and speaks volumes about feelings that they might still be working through. Also, even though this all "happened" almost 20 years ago, I am not over it, it is still profound to me and will forever be a scar on my heart.
I love this quote I got from the Birth Parent Meet Up that I attended in August. This is a wound that I am trying my very hardest to heal, in the only way I know how. I am not asking for pity or even for anyone to admire me or care. These are my real, raw emotions. Thank you for taking this journey with me.
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