Last week proved to be a busy one between all the adtivities we attended to with the kids and trying to get everyone healthy before we leave for Orlando next week.
Braiden had his second Pinewood Derby Race and did very well but mostly just had a good time making his car and racing his friends.
As you can see they are a very well behaved bunch. Ha.
Braiden's car is the second one from the closer end. It had lightning bolts on it and weighed EXACTLY 5oz.
Braiden ended up winning the Gold Medal for his Den. This is something like 4th place I think. Anywho, he did great and had a good time.
I only posted this pic because Braiden begged me to. He thinks its hilarious that he snuck my camera and took this of himself.
So with our trip to Orlando coming up and my stress that something will happen to prevent us from having a good time I think I have managed to jinx us. Sure enough Paige came down with the double ear infection and strep throat on Friday when her dance recital was on Saturday. Needless to say she was in no mood to be dancing so I ended up having to bribe her with a Barbie. I actually had this Barbie to give to her on her birthday which is June 6th but I caved and gave it to her early. Guess what?! It worked! She smiled happy for the rest of the day and danced like a super star.
Ok so maybe not a Super Star exactly but she danced like a super 2 year old..
Ok so maybe she didn't really dance much but hey she got up on stage! Thank goodness she couldn't spot me because I am sure she would have gone running off the stage to me or Eric.
She got her flowers at the end of her performance and proceeded to climb the stairs and run around crazy in true 2 year old form.

So she isn't a Prima Ballerina but hey, she sure is cute anyway!!

Yes, they are soo cute, I love little preformances, and I love your sons photo, he's right, it is halarious!!!
I CAN NOT wait for dance lessons to start! So precious!
How fun! Way to go Braden and Paige, you look GEORGEOUS. Have fun in Disneyworld!
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