So here I am, all ready to start writing about our adventures in 2014 so far and I just realized that I skipped November and December 2013!! Maybe I would rather forget?? Freudian slip? Nah. Those were great months! There were a TON of pictures from November. It was a busy month.
The first weekend of November, Alicia came down to do the Snow Canyon Half Marathon with me and Amy happened to be coming through THE SAME WEEKEND!! WOOT WOOT!! It made for a fun weekend, indeed!
He took all our 10 animals to the Pirate Island Pizza place. We sat, they ran amok and nearly got us kicked out. Ha! Oh well. |
That same night Braiden and his Freshman football team were recognized at the Varsity game for having an undefeated season! |
Max particularly loves football you can see. He does everything possible to NOT actually stay in the seat with us or watch the game. If he wasn't so darn cute.... |
Saturday November 2, 2013.
Snow Canyon Half Marathon
AND my personal BEST TIME EVER! Ran with Alicia and Kobe! (Well, I ran a bit behind them)
Before the race. I particularly love these races because they DON'T start at the crack of dawn. 8am is a great time to start a race and SNOW CANYON IS GORGEOUS!! |
This is what happens when you hand you camera to a 14 year old and ask them to take ONE picture...this isn't even half of them. Sheesh. Good thing there is no film to be wasted. |
I should mention that this race was almost completely DOWN HILL! Good for time, bad for the quads. Wow. I couldn't walk the next day. |
Speaking of the next day, We were watching my nieces so we had a large crew with us. Nevertheless, we decided to take them ALL to breakfast at the Bear Paw Cafe. YUUUUUUMMMMEEEEEE!
Did I mention that the Bear Paw Cafe has the MOST amazing pancakes, french toast, omelets, etc. The pancakes are the size of a dinner plate...or my head. |
The next weekend, I was able to go on a quick trip to California with Whitney and of course, we cant go to California without visiting Disneyland. YES, I went without my kids. I have done it and I will yet do it many times in the future, I am sure.
We visited with my dad, Norma and the boys a bit. It was a really fun visit.
Triplets?? HA! |
The obligatory scenery picture. It was November, my favorite time of year to go. Love, Love, Love the holiday celebration. |
Me and Whitney, Me and Whitney, OH and another one of me and Whitney. After all, it was just ME and WHITNEY that day!! That was a way fun day. Beautiful weather, not too crowded. |
 | BFF from my junior high years, Sherry, met us there and hung out with us for a while. People used to think we were sisters. Loved seeing her! |
Eric turned 41 this year! We continued our annual tradition of making a cake and decorating it for him. The kids are getting better and better at this but one of these years, I expect they will ask if they can just go buy one for him. Braiden is not interested anymore so its totally Paige and Cams thing.
These were my many attempts to get the kids to wish Eric Happy Birthday on Facebook. Can you tell that Braiden was thrilled? Max would not hold still. It was quite comical. I love these silly kids. |
Thanksgiving this year was at my moms house. Ray, her new beau, fried a turkey for his first time for us. It was DELICIOUS...and quite entertaining to watch.
I never thought fired turkey would be so yummy. It was perfect. Also it was a beautiful day in St George. |
Grandma decided to have a little pie with her whipped cream. |
November's favorite RANDOMS and SELFIES!
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