Halloween was quite different this year for us...the number one difference? It was like 70 degrees here in sunny St. George! Next time I will remember that Max does NOT require a warm costume. It reminded me of my Halloweens when I was growing up in California. Always warm. This year was also the first that Max was interested in costumes and trick-or-treating which made it quite fun.
Annual pumpkin gutting...ick! This is Eric's duty. I don't touch raw pumpkin. It literally makes my stomach turn. I think its the smell. They turned out quite cute. |
With the warm weather, its a tradition here for the kids Halloween parades to take place outside on the play ground. |
My office-mates had our own little Halloween party, Super Hero style. There happened to be 4 Bat Girls. Great minds think alike (or shop at the same store). Ha! These ladies know how to party. |
Festivities started with a trip to a local car dealership to do a little trunk-or-treat. |
Max and I walked Grandmas somewhat desolate neighborhood and found about 10 houses with people home. By the 3rd house or so, Max was completely into this knock-on-strangers-doors-and-get-free-candy thing. People were quite generous. |
More of October's Randoms...
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