I had an interesting week- I am now less a body part. My Appendix!! Who knows what that little sucker is even for but on Thursday I had pains and nausea and fever all day so after about 10 hours of convincing my self that I was just ovulating, although it felt like I was in labor, I finally went to the urgent care. The doc there told me to "GO DIRECTLY TO THE ER- DO NOT PASS GO- DO NOT COLLECT $200"!! So I did it. Even though I felt like baby number four was on the way and wanted to die AND I passed RIGHT by my house and couldn't stop to even get a change of under ware, I drove 20 minutes to the ER that takes my insurance. Thank goodness for cell phones because in that 20 minutes, I arranged pickup for my kids, called my husband and my work because I was pretty sure that it was looking dismal for my chances of being at work the next day.
So Eric and I spent about 5 hours in the ER before I finally got into surgery and the next thing I knew, I was awake in my hospital room and was minus a totally useless organ that apparently was VERY close to bursting. I was sure that it would be an in and out thing and I would be back to work the next day! WRONG!! I was in the hospital for a day and a half on IV antibiotics and feeling like I had been beaten up during surgery. That was the first real surgery I have ever had so it was a little weird to imagine that I was completely unaware for an hour and at the mercy of some dudes with knives and lots of drugs. They took good care of me though and I was certainly glad to be home. I did learn that Morphine does funny things to me. But that's between me and my husband.
Anyhoo, I still feel a little sore and can't lift much for a couple days but I am going back to work on Monday. Am I crazy? Nah. I'm Super Woman!! Unstoppable!! At least when I am not on morpine...
Dude sis.. i'm so glad you are okay!!! Bonnie.. then you.. shoot hopefully I'm not next. I better watch out for those apendix thiefs!
I feel your pain. Seriously. I had mine out on Preston's first birthday. The stupid ER doctor told me that being nauseated wasn't a symptom. I BEG to differ! I thought I had food poisoning. Then he wanted me to pin point exactly when my side had started hurting. To the minute. I was so mad! Just rip the stupid thing out! I thought I was dying. I would rather give birth and I'm not kidding. Waking up from surgery, I felt like a new woman. I'm soooo glad you're okay. That really sucks! Milk it for all it's worth, babe!
Glad you are here to see another day, sorry for your pain... I love that you posted your hospital photo.
Oh my gosh that is scary. Glad that you are doing well.
Thats crazy im glad you are feeling better!
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