I have been avoiding this for a while because I knew that trying to convey appropriately how crazy JUNE 2013 was for our family is near impossible just through pictures. I even considered skipping it but I started looking through my pictures and immediately I changed my mind.
Picture this if you will. In 30 short days, this is what we made it through:
- End of school, beginning of summer, which means finding someone to watch the kids full-time.
- Paige's birthday and party (AKA I lose my mind)
- Week-long family vacation to California
- Father's Day
- Trek for Braiden
- Football camp for Braiden
- Paige's dance recital
- Paige's Baptism
- Max's Birthday
- Cameron's Pre-K graduation
- Last day of Eric's job
- Move mom out of her house (where we were living)
- Move ourselves to St George
- I'm certain I am forgetting something because this list looks way too short.
Anyway, you get it. June was insane but so many good things happened. How could I even think about not blogging it? June was awesome, great, happy, tiring, stressful, such a blessing and, oh boy, am I glad we made it. Here goes.
We will start with Paige...June belongs to Paige. I'm sorry Max, but really, even though you were born in June, you will have to take July. June is all about Paige and there isn't much I can do about it.
This year, on June 6th, Paige turned 8. What?!?! What the heck just happened? 8 years just flashed before my eyes. I can remember the day she was born like it was yesterday...well, I can remember the parts where I WASN'T drugged up anyway. The story I always tell her about the day she was born highlights the fact that after being in labor with her for about 14 hours, all I wanted (after holding her for a brief moment) was FOOD! It was about 10pm and luckily there was a Subway in the hospital. I am pretty sure I inhaled it...foot long down in about 5 minutes...no joke. Then I passed out. She loves that story. She is the lucky one that had an audience of 5 people (not including Eric and my doctor) to welcome her into the world.
Paige is my sweetheart. She has always has the coolest, calmest demeanor. When she is TRYING to throw a tantrum, it just ends up being funny, because she doesn't know how to be a brat (well, she is slowly learning that skill, but mostly, she can't get the tantrum thing quite right). She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger and all she has to do is turn her smile upside down and bat her big blue eyes...and her wish is his command. Oh boy. I guess this is what comes when she is the only girl with 3 brothers.
She hates getting her hair brushed, taking a bath, waking up, putting on earrings, and doing dishes. She LOVES to draw, My Little Pony, leave sweet little notes all over the house for the entire family, candy, taking care of her baby brother Max, dancing, reading with Daddy, and playing with Cameron and her cousins.
I keep telling people that I will only do a full-blown party for my kids every other year, but when it comes to Paige, thats a full-blown lie. She has had a party pretty-much every year of her life. I love doing it (even though Eric wants to commit me after every one) and I will likely continue to do it for the rest of her life...although she may not care about it so much after age 30 or so.
This year's festivities were all about Cheer leading. I am not sure where that idea sprung from but it turned out to be great. I asked Braiden's little cheer leader friends to come over and teach the girls some simple cheers and it was a HIT! They were so cool and the girls loved it. |
From hand-made pom-poms and ponytails to eye-candy, we were DECKED OUT! We're HERE TO CHEER! |
They ate nachos, root-beer floats, and cupcakes then jumped on the tiny trampoline. |
Paige's Dance Recital
June 15, 2013
Jazz'n Place Junior Hip-hop & Mini-stars
More June to come.