Braiden turned 12 on May 20th! Yikes. I think yikes is my favorite word every May 20th because that's all I cant think to say when I think about how he is turning into a MAN right before my eyes. YIKES!
So, of course, in ritualistic style, Braiden got a weekend that was all about him. He was pretty lucky to get it too because I am feeling anything but energetic these days (35 weeks prego) so he was a double lucky kid and he deserved it.
Friday May 20th, 10 twelve year olds took over my basement all night. They ate 4 pizzas in like 10 minutes and a whole red velvet cake (Braiden's request). I have to say though that these are pretty good kids. They were all very complimentary, polite and well-behaved while in my house. Eric took them out for a little while to play my approved version of "night games", completely supervised, of course.
Saturday evening, Braiden again was the reason for the event when a large amount of the family and some friends all gathered to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Strange Tides.
It was a pretty awesome movie (slacker took no pictures).
Little Caesar's saved the day! |
Paige and Cameron were warned to stay out of the way of the 10 big boys and they did very well. They just wanted the cake. |
So i made Braiden pose for this because the ceiling fan had actually blown out the candles before they were done singing happy b-day! |
Our attempt at getting a group pic. Its a little like wrangling kittens to get them to all look at the camera. |
Sunday, Braiden was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood as is the normal order of things when a young man turns 12 in the LDS Church. It was a pretty great experience and "rite of passage" for Braiden. That afternoon we had another family Barbecue hosted by Braidens dad.
I am so proud of him and excited for him to start this part of his life. It seems like he immediately has his time now dedicated to all sorts of exciting activities for Scouts and Young Mens and will soon be headed to the dreaded MIDDLE SCHOOL! YIKES AGAIN!
He has a 4 night camping trip coming up for Scouts to Flaming Gorge and I am all of the sudden scared to death to let him out of my sight for so long. Will he make good choices? Will he stay safe? Will he remember to brush his teeth? I suppose these thoughts are normal and I suppose I will adjust but its still not easy to watch your kids grow up.
Abby and Paige raiding the cupcakes. |
Braiden and his best buddy Kobe. They have been friends since they were 6. |
I don't care what he thinks, he is still my baby. |