We checked into the Circus Circus Hotel (cheap and decent) and spent a little time at the pool with the kiddos. It was HOT! That night Braiden and I went to the Phantom of the Opera Production at the Venetian. I have seen this twice now and it just gets better. We had amazing seats right in the middle of the theater, smack dab in front of the stage. Perfect view of the stage and perfect view of the infamous chandelier as it fell right on top of us. Braiden was totally taken by all the special effects and trying to spot the Phantom whenever he would pop up out of nowhere. It was a really good time. I want my children to grow with an appreciation for the performing arts so Braiden is off to a great start. The next morning we made our way to the obligatory child-appropriate stops such as the M&M Store and the Coca-Cola Store. That was about the extent of our hanging out on the strip. I am not a fan of Vegas. Off to California we rode!

We stayed the night at Dad's house in Southern California and then the next day we were off to the Magical Kingdom to play with princesses, fairies and mice...First stop---California Adventure. Paige was tall enough this time to ride Soarin' Over California and she LOVED it. It was so fun to see her. We hit Monsters, Tower of Terror, Playhouse Disney, Bugs Land, California Screamin', the Ferris Wheel, Braiden went on the Paradise Pier rocket thing (3 times) and then we were out of there to get some shut-eye.

We got a late start the next day as we visited the pool and the breakfast bar and just took our sweet time. During that time I received about 6 text messages from Eric inquiring as to what we were up to. Where are you guys going now? Where are you parking? Have you guys left yet? I figured he was just missing us so I humored him and answered all his questions so he could live vicariously through my adventures... So...
That day we spent alot of time in line to see the fairies and the princesses. This trip we promised Paige that we would do it so we did and the LINES WERE LONG! My Disneyland tip of the day---if you want to see the Princesses, go first thing in the morning and go pee before you get in line. People are ruthless and those mothers are not about to hold your place for you--you snooze, you lose! Ha!
We Spent a second day at Disneyland for which I forgot my camera so you will just have to use your imagination. Braiden pretty much went on every ride in the park. Eric and he stayed as late as they could and Whit and I went to the hotel with Paige and crashed by 10pm. That's just about my limit after being there about 11 hours.
Paige was a trooper...they both were. No freaking out or massive tantrums. No running away or getting lost and no begging for over-priced ridiculous souvenirs. They were both ready to go home when the time came and so was I. Never do look forward to the drive home but when I get there its all so worth it! Until next time...August I think. :)