I have been following the blog of Gracie Gledhill
(she is the niece of my cousin) who is a heart baby. She was born with a heart defect and her mom has kept this blog journal since before she was born. She is now 11 months old and the family has been on a huge roller coaster of joy and sadness while watching their little baby girl deal with this. I cannot even imagine the hardship of having to watch your child be in pain and sick.
Over the last few weeks Gracie has had some setbacks that upgraded her to the top of the transplant list. She was only on the list for a few days when the got the call and Gracie was given a transplant yesterday. However they are experiencing some complications with the transplant.
I thought I would post this so that maybe the one or two of you who actually look at my blog might include Baby Gracie in your prayers today. Although I am a stanger to them, my heart aches for their sadness and stress. They have 3 other young children who are watching their baby sister suffer but they remain upbeat and positive while hoping and praying for a miracle. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us, whatever it may be, but miracle never cease and Baby Gracie needs one right now.
(she is the niece of my cousin) who is a heart baby. She was born with a heart defect and her mom has kept this blog journal since before she was born. She is now 11 months old and the family has been on a huge roller coaster of joy and sadness while watching their little baby girl deal with this. I cannot even imagine the hardship of having to watch your child be in pain and sick.
Over the last few weeks Gracie has had some setbacks that upgraded her to the top of the transplant list. She was only on the list for a few days when the got the call and Gracie was given a transplant yesterday. However they are experiencing some complications with the transplant.
I thought I would post this so that maybe the one or two of you who actually look at my blog might include Baby Gracie in your prayers today. Although I am a stanger to them, my heart aches for their sadness and stress. They have 3 other young children who are watching their baby sister suffer but they remain upbeat and positive while hoping and praying for a miracle. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us, whatever it may be, but miracle never cease and Baby Gracie needs one right now.
That is hear wrenching. I do not know how this incredibly strong moms do it. I could not imagine!
I can't emagine, they will be in our prayers. My twin who died, if he would have lived, I wonder at times if this is what I would had to go through, then I realize that everyone is different, but I don't know if I could handle it, I am not as strong as some.
Hi Amy,
I'm pretty sure you're the "stranger" (as I wrote this on my blog, sorry, it sounds a little harsh) who informed me of Gracie when we were still in the hospital with Maddie a year ago. I'm a friend of Brenda Miles. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for writing that comment so long ago. Michele and I have kept in touch and their blog opened up the world of "heart baby blogs" for me. So thank you for reaching out and sending me their way last March. I love Gracie and even though my heart is shattered for their family, I rest assured that Gracie Girl is no longer in pain or has to suffer...her heart is made whole and she is perfect. Heaven is rejoicing with her in it.
Katie (Maddie's mom)
PS- Your family is adorable!!!
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