We again found some great deals and could not help but take advantage of them. Cameron loves flying now. It was a really early morning and a long trip to get to the hotel so the kids were totally worn out by the time we got there. Yes, that is Cameron drinking my Diet Coke...don't judge me...it was just a sip...haha.

We spent 3 days there and the very first night poor Braiden woke up throwing up. He and I spent the day in the hotel while Eric braved the park with the 2 littles all by himself. Luckily it was a fast bug and within a few hours he was back to normal AND nobody else got sick!! Whew! We swam, we went to the parks and we had a ton of fun enjoying the California sun.

The kids got to see the Disney Electrical Parade that is now at California Adventure. I love that parade. It brings back tons of childhood memories. One of my favorite things about Disneyland is seeing how my kids faces light up whenever they see anything that they think would only be in dreams. This parade is one of them. They love lights more than anything and that combined with all their favorite Disney characters makes for a wonder that they will never forget.

While there I was able to get reacquainted with my childhood best friend Sherry. We have known each other since 7th grade and sorta lost touch the last few years but thanks to FaceBook we found each other. She lives in Southern Cali so i can see her every time we go there. I even talked her into buying Disny annual passes for her and her kids. I personally think its a crime to live in So Cal and NOT have an annual pass. There really is no excuse.