"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember; you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. The most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you.”~Winnie the Pooh
Monday, September 15, 2008
Party with a GIANT MOUSE!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Since August 19th cont'd...Special Braiden and mom trip
On the way to California we made our obligatory stop in Las Vegas but I am becoming less and less enchanted with Sin City. Braiden really wanted to stop at the M&M Store so we did. This quick little "jaunt" turned into a 3 hour ordeal. Ick! Las Vegas on Labor Day weekend. Stay Away.
We finally made it to my Dad's house on Friday evening and went out to dinner with the whole familia. It was fun and I finally got to meet Sam, my little 8 month old brother. Those of you who don't know the mechanics of my family, hang on...
Me and my dad, I am the oldest.Braiden playing with Dads guitar. He looks so natural with that, doesn't he? Thank you Rock Band...
These are my two brothers from another mother. My little Latin brothers Sam and Lee.
Here we go...Left to right: Lee, Braiden, Paul, Norma (dad's wife), Sam, Mary, Me, Julie, Dad.Not so little Sam Watson
I love this, I had to take a picture of it. This is a perfect lesson in not counting your chickens before they hatch. My step mom, long ago, bought this teddy bear hanging with all the kids names on them. Little did she know that there would eventually be 6 more kids in the Watson family. So Ben improvised and drew the 4 then my dad added the last two after Lee and Sam came. I love that its still on the the wall. I hope he leaves it there for a long time.
So I learned after this trip that its really important to spend time with each of your individual kids. I think Braiden was really hungry for some mom attention. In the craziness that comes with being a full time employee and a mom with very young kids it gets easy to look over the important things just so i can get through every day. Braiden and I had a really good time and he loved the one on one attention. I kind of did too. I didn't realize how much I didn't know about my son. Looking forward to the next one, Bud!!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Since August 19th cont'd...Happy Birthday to me!

August 24th marked the one year anniversary of my 30th birthday. Translation: I am 31. Officially in my 30's. Whoa. Although I have to say that this year was heck of alot more pleasant than last year. Not that my birthdays aren't always great days thanks to my awesome husband but being 9 months prego, 4o lbs overweight and swollen with elephantitis does not make for what I call a feel good day.
Eric surprised me with a little overnight getaway to Snowbird Lodge. It was such a surprise that I didn't even take my camera. Bummer because it was so beautiful there. We ate dinner at the restaurant in the Lodge and the next day we took the tram up to the top of the mountain and enjoyed the breath-taking views. I had never been there before but it was really a nice retreat. We brought the kids back some little things. Paige got the feather boa and the sword and gun were for Braiden. Somehow the interest in these gifts was a little backwards as Braiden ended up running around with the boa and Paige was so in to that pirate gun. Hmmmm.
We came home that afternoon and my family all came over for a Watson Birthday Bash. PS-Watson is my maiden name in case you didn't know. My family is great. They know me so well and I got some awesome birthday presents. A bonus surprise: My step-sister Christy was visiting from Kansas with her baby and she came to the party. It was so cool to see her and Zoey. Also my Brother Ben who has been living in Northern Cali for 3 months came home a week early and showed up to my party! Happy Birthday to me!!
Abby, Jenice, Ben, Paige, Christy
The three babies: Baylee, Zoey, Cameron. All born within weeks of each other.
Ben and Jenice
Whit and Ashton
Cameron the party animal squishing a banana in his hand.
Braiden wrote this cute little song for me for a birthday present and then stole my camera, which I had threatened his life about doing, then recorded him singing it. Its pretty cute so I couldn't get mad at him. There were, however, about 30 little takes on the camera from him trying to get it just perfect. Thanks Braiden. You are awesome!
Since August 19th cont'd...Goodbye to tonsils...
Well this actually happened on August 18th but still is blog worthy. Since we LOVE having surgery in our family so much we decided to have Paige get her tonsil and adenoids out as well as get tubes in her ears a week after I had an emergency appendectomy. Fun, FUN! I am absolutely sick to my stomach right now though because I had some precious pictures of Paige in the recovery room and some irreplacable video but something malfunctioned with my little camera and I LOST those pictures! FOREVER! ARGGGG. Oh well. Such is my luck with electronics. The following are all the other ones I did get that day though.
An ingenious way to get kids to breath to hear lung sounds- BUBBLES!!
Pre-op waiting room (Disneyland)
Playing with mask and stethoscope.
Paige was miserable which means we were miserable for the week after the surgery but we kept her nice a drugged up with Lortab. Dang I wish that wasn't dangerous and addictive. Its was heaven sent for little Paigey when she was in real pain. She gave us a hard time about not wanting to eat. What kind of kid doesn't want milkshakes and jello all day long? I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to do it with Cameron but his chances aren't looking good. Maybe this coming year we wont have to go to the pediatrician twice a month?