Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Way behind

What the heck?  I am terribly behind on my blog and it has recently become more important for me to keep it up to date.  This really is the only proof that I exist (ok thats not even close to true but it sounded dramatic enough).  I am going to start back in March mostly becuase those are the pictures I can find but should January and February pics suddenly make themselves known, be prepared for an out-of-sequence post.  I gotta get this stuff published! 

In March we did yet another family trip to our favorite happy destination.  This time we drove and it was a really LOOOOOONG drive.  That was 9 months ago and clearly remember how LOOOOOOONG that drive was.  But of course we had fun and Max put the 3rd notch on his Disney belt at the not-so-ripe age of 9 months.

This visit was particularly special because my brother Johnathan had just come home from serving a 2 year LDS mission in Boston. It was so fun to see him, hear his stories and see how he has grown up.  He and my other brothers (the big ones)are such good examples to Braiden.

The next day the Disney adventures began...

You get one post a day cause its way too late for me to be blogging right now.  Till tomorrow.

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