Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Fun..pumkin farm and stuff

So far October has been a fun-filled, busy month.  Oh wait, that's my whole life.  Well, no matter, here are some highlights from October thus far.  I love this time of year when everything starts changing...and then I remember that I live in Utah and fall means its going to start snowing soon...bleh.  So I like to enjoy the not-snowing for as long as I possibly can. 

Halloween is in a week so you know there is more to come but you might have to wait till November.

Between football 4 days a week, middle school (keeping straight A's so far), scouts, Young Men's, hanging out with his friends, and answering all the phone calls from girls (yes, just believe it), Braiden is exhausted...and frankly, so am I.
 Max is getting bigger everyday, no surprise and he is turning into a little ham.  He smiles, laughs, squeals, and coos at anyone who will give him some attention.  Its a small price to pay for some love from such a sweet little guy.  We are having fun enjoying our little caboose.

Yesterday we went to this tiny  (very tiny) local nursery where they had some fun things for the kiddos.  This corn pit was the highlight for them.  Even Eric had a great time digging for treasure in this thing.  I, personally, was a little grossed out by it so Max and I enjoyed watching from afar.

Train rides, punkin pickin, and stuff.

Then we went to our traditional pumpkin farm.  We love this place.  There are tons of good ones to choose from and we got 6 huge pumpkins for $15!  Nice.

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